Chapter 1103: Beautiful Monsters

Before too long, it was time to meet the emissaries of Song. Sunny found himself feeling a bit curious... after all, he was not too familiar with the great clan that ruled the northwest reaches of the human territories in the Dream Realm.

By all accounts, the Song clan was no less storied and powerful than Valor. Its foundation had not been as great, but after Ki Song rose to prominence and became one of the first humans to Transcend, the power of her clan utterly eclipsed that of the older, better established Legacy families.

As far as Sunny could remember knowing anything, clan Song was one of the three most exalted powers in the world. Their influence spread far and wide, and their home in the Dream Realm, Ravenheart - an ancient palace built between the snowy peaks and smoldering volcanos of an impregnable mountain chain - was universally considered one of the Great Citadels of humanity.

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With a population rivaling that of Bastion, Ravenheart was a beautiful and severe place... from what Sunny knew. Strangely enough, it was not nearly as popular and well-known as the colossal castle that clan Valor ruled. In fact, the whole great clan Song was a little mysterious.

The image of Bastion was etched into the minds of all humans by countless dramas and films, with countless stories of romance and valor taking place in its stone walls. The land of snow and ash where clan Song ruled, however, was rarely depicted, and when it was, it was always to show something distant and exotic.

Whether it was because Ki Song did not care about mundane fame, or because Anvil put more effort into building the public image of his clan, Sunny did not know.

He did, however, know that through pure coincidence, his own path had also mostly crossed with the representatives of clan Valor. Valor were the ones in control of the northernmost territory carved out by humanity in the Dream Realm, where it brushed against the Hollow Mountains, and so, that was where he had gone after becoming an Awakened.

From the Sanctuary of Noctis to the Night Temple, Sunny had met many servants of Anvil of Valor... killing some of them... and then had the misfortune of meeting the Sovereign's son in the flesh. With the complications that followed, it was fair to say that he knew Valor pretty well.

The same could not be said about Song, though... all his experience with that Domain was limited to having met Seishan in the Dark City. Even then, Sunny was not at all close with the former leader of the Handmaidens, so it was not like she had shared stories of her clan with him.

So... naturally, Sunny was curious.

His curiosity was mixed with a bit of dread, though.

They entered the spacious reception hall once again. This time, it was Wake of Ruin who had been waiting there for some time, speaking quietly with Jet. The staff member who had escorted Sunny and the emissaries of Valor tactfully disappeared, and the gaunt Saint greeted them with a curt nod.

"You're here. I hope you rested well... there is a lot to discuss, so we probably won't be sleeping tonight."

Whispering Blade smiled coldly.

"...Wouldn't dream of it."

Sunny blinked a couple of times, startled.

'Was that... a pun? By the dead gods, I hope it wasn't.'

The conversation died before receiving the chance to start, because right at that moment, something imperceptible seemed to change in the world. A cold breeze blew through the hall, and then, four people were standing in the middle of it, just like the four emissaries of Valor had a few hours ago.

Sunny involuntarily held his breath.

He had seen Dire Fang from afar once, some time ago. The grim man had not changed much, except for the fact that there were ugly bruises and half-healed lacerations on his body this time. He was of medium height, with an angular face and powerful muscles rippling under his dusky skin.

The Transcendent wore a sleeveless vest that left his broad shoulders and powerful arms exposed. His hair was dark and disheveled, like the fur of a wild beast. A thick beard covered the lower part of his gloomy face, and his eyes were harsh and piercing.

Saint Dire Fang emanated a feeling of wildness, savage power, and ferocity... as if the world turned a little more primal wherever he appeared.


Sunny studied the man for a moment, then turned his attention to the next newcomer.

His heart trembled.

The woman standing next to Dire Fang was not outwardly seductive, but for whatever reason, she seemed almost irresistibly alluring. Where Whispering Blade was dignified and domineering, she was breathtaking and tantalizing. She was tall, with fair skin and red, sensual lips. Her cold beauty was only made more striking by her inviting dark eyes, which were full of strength and willpower.

Beastmaster had long hair that fell like a waterfall of black silk, and wore a simple dress of carmine fabric, which nevertheless looked regal and mesmerizing on her slender figure. Her face was a little aloof, and a little humorous. It was a kind of face one never wanted to look away from.

...Sunny felt a pang of fear when he saw her. Now, he understood why Madoc had called her a demoness. The daughter of Ki Song did, indeed, resemble a beautiful demon. Even if he had not known that she was one of the most terrifying Saints in existence, he would have felt it... simply from the fact that he immediately wanted to discard that knowledge and step closer to her.

'Snap out of it.'

Maybe Sunny would have fallen for Beastmaster's enchanting beauty if he was young and inexperienced, but after meeting beings like Solvane and Hope, he was somewhat immune to such charms.

He shifted his gaze to Song Seishan... also known as Blood Lord... to distract himself from the enticing visage of Beastmaster.

'...Bad idea!'

Now that she had become a Master, Seishan's exotic beauty was even more striking. Hers was a different kind of beauty, though... it was poised, reserved, graceful, and exquisite. Seishan was one of the Awakened whose appearance had been changed by their Aspect - her skin was of a strange grey color, which made her look both inhuman and riveting.

However, Sunny could not forget her other, monstrous face... he had seen her transform into a hideous creature during the siege of the Crimson Spire, after all. And even before that, he had seen what her victims looked like after being drained of blood.

He sighed mentally.

'Monsters... beautiful monsters. Are all of Ki Song's adopted daughters like that? What the hell has she done to them?'

And speaking of monsters...

Finally, he looked at the fourth member of Song's vanguard. It was a middle-aged man in heavy armor, his face bleak and unfamiliar. His eyes, however...

Were perfectly human, with not even a hint of a mad prince hiding in their depths.

Sunny frowned.

'Yeah... I am not fooled. There's no chance that Mordret would miss on an opportunity to come and wage war against Valor. It's you, isn't it, bastard?'

He lingered for a few moments, and then addressed the bleak man:

"...Long time no see."

The bleak man looked back at him, a masterfully crafted expression of confusion appearing on his face. His lips parted in a polite smile.

"I am sorry. I don't think we've met."

The smile almost looked mocking.

Sunny shook his head, then looked away.


Wake of Ruin frowned slightly. His grating voice sounded a little irritated:

"Now that everyone is here... let's skip the introductions. I extend my gratitude to the elders of the great clan Valor and the great clan Song, for coming to our aid in the time of need. Come, let's start... we need to discuss the war..."