Chapter 107: Minting money

The advert of the Elite lifestyle store selling the advanced mana potion hat 1.3 Million likes in one hour.

" Hey , hey , hey. This must be a false promotion right? Even basic mana potions are in tight supply , just how can they have advanced mana potions for sale ".

" Holy mother nature , im going to get one! ".

Read it on

" 100 gold is too steep a price , we want discount".

" Has anyone actually been to the store to verify this rumor? ".

" Yes i have been to the store. Even bought two bottles , have used one as a trial , it works , instantly regenerated all lost mana!!! ".

" OMG! Just where did they obtain everything from? ".

( Meanwhile at the True Elites guild headquarters )

Orochimaru was tasked with gaining intel on the quantity of stock of potions that the Elites possesed. Wether or not they could generate a sizable income. Orochimaru began ' innocently' asking members , however Rudra had long seen through his scheme.

Rudra thought to himself , too bad for you snake, you met the ultimate schemer ' Shakuni ' himself. Rudra laughed inwardly at how he was going to play the child.

Then he approached Orochimaru and said " Dont you want to buy some advanced mana potions? Guild members get a 90% discount".

Orochimaru was stunned for a second, then realizing the great opportunity he had he said " No sir , how can i reduce guild profits by taking a potion from the limited stocks we have .... And make it suffer losses".

He intentionally used the word limited stocks to probe Rudra's answers , if Rudra said he need not worry about stocks , then they had a sizable stockpile , if he did not it meant the stock they had was very limited.

Rudra laughed " well its a marketting stunt anyway , you dont need to worry about the stocks , i agree we could only produce a pitifully low amount of potions just a thousand or so , that too at 96 coins a bottle , this time its just a promotional event to try bring customers to the store , while silently increasing other commodities prices and gain an income ".

" You go grab one now, it doesnt really matter much to the guild , id be more happy if its in our members hands ". Rudra said.

Orochimaru's eyes shined ..... He had stumbled upon important intel here. He thanked Rudra and quickly bolted to contact his superior in the Ambani corporation.

Rudra laughed .... He wanted to see what organization was actually behind Orochimaru , and today from his reaction he knew that the fish had been hooked , lined and sinker!

In his report Orochimaru narrated his understanding of the incidence and that the shops should not have more than 50-100 stocks left.

The seniors in Ambani corporation immediately formulated a plan , and sent the Demolition boys vice guild master to buy all remaining stalk under the alliance's name .

They analysed that buying all stock should increase the reputation of the alliance , whereas remove the buzz around the Elites stores.

The vice guild master started streaming his feed live , with the title ' BUYING ADVANCED MANA POTION , FULL STOCK! '. As he approached the Elite store that was currently under FattyKalsh .

Rudra had long since told fatry to fleece an incoming ship , soo when an arrogant vice guild master came in there. Fatty naturally licked his lips to see the juicy target.

The stream currently had 25K watchers , it was rapidly gaining viewers.

" F****... Will he actually buy all stock? ".

" This is insane isnt it? It costs 100 gold a bottle , not 100 bronze ..... They cant buy the entire stock can they? ".

Speculation about the outcome was currently being made , when the vice guild master said

" I want all bottles of the advanced mana potion in your store ".

The stream chat went insane , seeing the bold announcement he made

Fatty smiled politely ... He knew exactly how to handle such brats .

Fatty said " sorry sir , we only sell 2 bottles per customer ".

" BOOOO!!! " The chat all booed the hell out of Fatty Kalash.

But the response only reinforced INeedToSmash's thoughts about the stock. They must have very limited stock , hence are not selling.

" I will pay 150 coins a bottle , just sell me all stock ". He said.

" Ooooooo " the crowd was not anticipating the shopkeepers reply. It was amazing , the stream now had over 100K viewers.

Fatty played it cool , he said " Sir , its not about the money , we sell with principles , how can i make an exeption for you ....... ". After a long long pause he added " .... Not that you could have afforded it anyway ". In a low voice , that was meant to be heard.

INeedToSmash's eyelids twitched at the sarcasm.... What did the guy just say?

" Okay , okay , you said it , you think im a beggar who is all talk and cant afford to pay up? ". INeedToSmash said

" Obviously not , respected sir , its just that you are not even the guild leader of your own guild , let alone the Alliance , lets just say , you dont have enough authority for the sale ". Kalash said polite words that were extremely scathing calmly.

INeedToSmash lost it now

People on the stream started to comment

" BURN BRO". as they thoroughly enjoyed the diss.

INeedToSmash contacted some superiors and presented a signed document to kalash , signed by 5 alliance guild leaders saying that he represented the alliance on this matter , in a legally binding Omega document that could not be forged or faked.

Looking at the document , Kalash said " okay sir , i apologise for my rudeness , however i still cannot sell you the potions ".

INeedToSmash was on the edge now " Oh okay , soo you throw mud at others , however when backed against the wall , you just laugh and say it was a joke , and walk out like nothing happened? , Nonono thats not how it works ..... I know the truth , you probably dont even have 50 potions left to sell right? Iv seen through your petty marketting ploys long ago ".

Kalash made shocked expressions as he pretended that words could not escape his mouth .... It seemed like he was caught.

INeedToSmash smiled , he thought he had him .

Even the stream boiled with insults , as INeedToSmash kept demanding more sales.

Finally kalash pretended to give in and call Rudra , sometime later he came back and said .

You can buy all the stock at 200 gold a potion , all the stock not one bottle less.

" Huh, okay i agree ". INeedToSmash agreed. He found the increase in price ridiculous attempt to gain a little money.

A legally binding contract was presented that stated that the alliance will buy the complete stock of advanced mana potions at 200 gold a potion , or assets of equal value shall be siezed from the alliance to make up for lost income.

INeedToSmash found the contract only a ruse to scare him from signing , as infront of 250K streamers watching he signed it.

Thunderous applause started in the live chat , as everyone appreciated INeedToSmash .

It was at this moment that fatty kalash showed his sinister smile and said " Congratulations sir , the final amount comes to 2.4716 MILLION gold ! ".

/// I mean damn!!!!!! Crazy chapter guys!!! Also about golden tickets and powerstones guys a book supposedly only gets featured if they have enough tickets and i live for the stones , i am really trying hard at 2 chapters a day this week , please show the support you guys always have! Lets get back into top 100 powerstone rankings and move up to top 40 in ticket rankings ". ///