Chapter 251

It was so absurd that it elicited amazement rather than anger.

'Such a method?'

There was no need to convince the students about the advantages of 'my school of magic.'

Read it on

It was as simple as forcibly abducting them as disciples.

A brilliant solution that would make Professor Mortum slap his knees in agreement!

"Professor? I have no intention of learning healing magic."

"I'm already majoring in one field; how am I supposed to keep up if I add another... It's hard enough as it is!"


The innocent protests of his friends painfully struck Yi-Han's heart.

Yi-Han smiled bitterly.

"Everyone quiet. I'll explain it to you."

Professor Garcia stepped forward.

"You all know about healing magic, right?"

The students nodded.

Healing magic.

If one were to name the magic most familiar to the common people of the empire, it would be healing magic.

It was widely encountered, had many uses, and thus, mages who could use healing magic were respected.

There was no need to explain the different receptions a dark mage and a healing mage would receive when visiting a town.

Naturally, many mages wanted to specialize in studying healing magic.

'Is there a reason to forcibly bring students for something that's not even dark magic?'

Most priests from the Immortal Phoenix and a significant number of students from the White Tiger would want to learn healing magic...

"There are too few healing mages right now."

The dark elf professor said with a tired and rough voice.

"So, we're increasing the number."


Before the students could become more confused, Professor Garcia continued to explain.

Healing magic was a type of magic that took a considerable amount of time for a mage to perform effectively on their own.

Given its connection to human life, unlike other types of magic, it was difficult to mobilize mages who were still learning it when the need arose.

Moreover, the difficulty and complexity of mastering this magic meant that although many students entered to learn it, the dropout rate was exceptionally high.

"Indeed, last year when an epidemic broke out in the Pesian region, there was a problem due to a shortage of healing mages."

Therefore, Professor Alkasis of the Lagrinde family sought direct permission from His Majesty the Emperor and the skull principal to address the shortage of healing mages.

What was the solution to increase the number of healing mages? It was to increase (even forcibly, if necessary) the number of students learning it.

If the number of students was significantly increased, then even if many dropped out, the overall number of healing mages would increase, wouldn't it?

So today, by conducting a simple test on the students and seeing if they had even a slight aptitude for healing magic...

"...This is why you are given the opportunity to learn magic. Do you all understand?"

"...Uh... if it's forced, why is it considered an opportunity?"

Professor Garcia pretended not to hear.

Sometimes professors become cowardly.

Professor Alkasis, with a tired and hoarse voice, said,

"Everyone be quiet. We're busy, so unnecessary questions are forbidden. Only ask if it's absolutely necessary."

"Professor, I'm currently majoring in summoning magic, so healing magic is..."

The voice of a student attempting to ask a necessary question vanished.

The students realized the professor's skill in the silencing spell was no ordinary matter and kept their mouths shut.

"Isn't that too much?"


'Isn't that just average for a magic school?'

While the students whispered in shock, Yi-Han was not particularly surprised.

Just a 'Ah, it's the professor' kind of realization?

"What time is it now?"

"It's three-thirty."

At Professor Garcia's answer, Professor Alkasis blinked her dry eyes and nodded.

She had to check the time since her schedule was packed even after the class.

"Are you going out for the same reason as last time? Isn't it the internal conflict within the Krongduan Guild you mentioned before?"

Too tired to respond verbally, Professor Alkasis simply blinked, causing Professor Garcia to sigh.

"Oh dear... Adventurers fighting amongst themselves, and inside the city, no less. That's really unforgivable. You'll be alright without a hand?"

"That's why I'm taking the third-years with me. Water, please."

"Here you go."

As Professor Alkasis quickly emptied a bottle of water, Professor Garcia continued,

"Taking the third-years with you..."

"The second-years won't be much help if I take them along."

"...I wasn't asking why we're not taking the second-years."

Professor Garcia said with a weary expression.

And Yi-Han listened with a similarly weary expression.

'This place is its own kind of hell.'

A different kind of hell than what skull principal, Professor Boladi, or Professor Verduus create.

It wasn't the professors' fault.

It was the empire's fault.

With so many people getting hurt or dying, and so few healing mages, the workload on healing mages had skyrocketed.

Hearing now that even the third-year students were being taken along...

"Professor. I really have no interest in healing magic..."

"There are no exceptions."

"Professor. I'm already taking two majors! Two!!"

"As I said, there are no exceptions. Be quiet."

Professor Alkasis spoke with the firmness of a rock, without a hint of wavering.

It wasn't that the professor didn't feel sorry for the students who were struggling with other magics and a lack of interest in healing magic.

But there was no helping it.

More healing mages were needed for the empire's sick.

Professor Alkasis resolved once again to become ruthless.

No excuse could sway Professor Alkasis's heart.

"Professor! Yi-Han here is already studying dark magic, summoning magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic, divination magic, transformation magic... What else was there?"

Gainando, speaking on his behalf, stopped counting and asked Yi-Han. Yi-Han, embarrassed for his friend, turned his gaze away.

"Anyway, he's taking all these classes! That's too much!"

"Don't lie."

"It's true! Ask the other professors!"


Professor Alkasis looked at Yi-Han as if she couldn't believe it.

Yi-Han felt wrongfully accused despite not having done anything wrong.

'Anyone would think I'm taking all these classes on purpose.'

After chewing on her lip in contemplation for a few minutes, Professor Alkasis finally spat out,

"...There are no exceptions. Be quiet."

"That's too much...!!"


Yi-Han silenced Gainando.

'I should learn the silencing curse sooner rather than later.'

Professor Mortum was known for coughing a lot (probably due to the tower's environment), but Professor Alkasis was no less prone to interruptions in speech.

She would stumble over words, cough as if her mouth was dry, and even sit down to rest due to breaking out in cold sweats, until Professor Garcia, unable to stand it any longer, stepped in.

"I'll take over the basic explanation. Is that okay?"

"...Please do."

"Now, everyone. You just connected the saplings in the pots, right? These saplings are a breed that has been genetically modified to respond easily to mana. That's why you were able to heal them easily. But the principle isn't much different. Repairing and restoring damaged and broken parts like this is a core aspect of healing magic."

Although it was forced upon them, the students listened with unexpected attention.

Truthfully, given the popularity of healing magic, students would have listened intently even if it wasn't mandatory.

'But adding a dozen more students doesn't seem like it would solve the shortage of personnel.'

"Of course, the field of healing magic isn't limited to just recovery. There's alchemy, to analyze various conditions like poisoning and to create the appropriate healing potions. Enchantment magic, to make patients withstand various treatments and arcane procedures. Divination magic, to foresee outcomes... It's characteristic of healing magic to generously learn from other schools of magic as needed."

'Isn't dark magic excluded?'

Yi-Han was about to point out the omission of dark magic but held back.

It seemed like it would only sadden students studying dark magic if he asked.

"Uh... So do we have to learn all that?"

One of the students asked with a frightened expression.

Professor Garcia kindly replied.

"Of course not. You only need to learn what's necessary when it's necessary."

"Ah, I see... That's a relief!"

Yi-Han, feeling something was off, asked,

"But Professor, given that there are so few healing mages to treat patients, doesn't it practically mean that we have to learn everything you just mentioned?"

Professor Garcia ignored Yi-Han's question as if she hadn't heard it.

This is what makes a clever student!

Meanwhile, Professor Alkasis, having regained her strength, stood up.

"I'll continue the explanation. As Professor Garcia just mentioned, a healing mage needs a broad, multidirectional understanding, not just focusing in one direction. This applies not only to magic but also to studying other fields. Let's assume there's a patient with a broken bone. Can you heal that bone if you don't understand the bone structure of the patient?"

Professor Alkasis made a gesture as if breaking a rib while explaining.

"Even if you manage to heal it, it might heal in the wrong direction, right? In that case, it's better not to do it at all. A healing mage must have an in-depth understanding of the body's structure."

The priests of the Immortal Phoenix and students of the White Tiger listened as if enchanted.

It was a natural response, given their heightened interest.

Moreover, the subject was the structure of the body.

The priests of the Immortal Phoenix and students of the White Tiger were somewhat accustomed and confident.

"Bring it in."

As the door opened, two students who looked as tired and troubled as the professor entered.

The two seniors didn't just come in; they dragged a coffin large enough for a person behind them.

With a bang!

Surprisingly, when the coffin was opened, there was a person inside, tied up tightly.


Following the professor's command, the seniors unlocked the prisoner's chains and removed the gag, prompting the prisoner to vehemently protest.

"Damn mages! Even if I have killed a few people, to be treated like this... Urgh."

Yi-Han was startled.

Not because Professor Alkasis had inserted swords into the prisoner's neck and limbs (though that was surprising too), but because of the swift, lightning-like skill displayed.

Summoning swords out of thin air and then one by one impaling them into the prisoner's body was no ordinary feat of swordsmanship.

The students of the White Tiger also seemed to sense that the professor's skill with the sword was extraordinary, murmuring among themselves.

'Does becoming a skilled healer also make one proficient in swordsmanship?'

The prisoner's body turned pale in an instant. The swords had absorbed all the blood.


The seniors opened up the prisoner's chest, revealing the vivid organs within.


Several students fainted from the shock. Professor Alkasis said cynically,

"Wake them up. I'm going to explain about the structure of the human body. Listen carefully."

"Uh... Ugh!"

Gainando was about to vomit. Yi-Han quickly cast <Ogonin's Abundant Satisfaction>.

"Thanks, Yi-Han."

"Me... Me too. Me too!"

Professor Alkasis possessed remarkable skill in swordsmanship, capable of disassembling a body with speeds invisible to the eye, and a profound understanding of human anatomy to support it. However, this did not lessen the students' discomfort.

After Professor Alkasis concluded the lecture and restored the prisoner, the students had expressions as if their heads were about to explode, overwhelmed by the intimate details and complex information of human anatomy they had never seen before.

Professor Garcia opened a window and asked,

"Is everyone okay?"



The students looked at Professor Garcia with eyes full of betrayal and hurt.

Professor Garcia felt very sorry.

"The theoretical explanation is roughly over. Now, everyone, pick up the string in front of you."

A string made from plant fibers appeared in front of the students.

"Cut it and then connect it with magic."


"Keep repeating."


The students felt like they were dumbing themselves down as they cut, connected, and then cut the string again.

Although it might have looked somewhat foolish, this was effective training.

If someone couldn't properly connect even the simplest plant string, how could they connect a person's severed blood vessels?

Repetition led to mastery, and it also reduced the wastage of mana.

For a healing mage, who must treat all sorts of injuries, wasting mana is a strict taboo.

This repetition ensured that unnecessary wastage of mana was naturally reduced.

"Do it properly."


Yi-Han, who had been cutting and connecting, was puzzled by the professor's remark.

Was what he just did incorrect?

"...Ah, right. Professor, could you come here for a moment?"

Professor Garcia pulled Professor Alkasis aside.

It dawned on him that the professors had been too busy to notice when they were discussing among themselves!