Chapter 245

As they emerged from the giant's cave, the dawn star was already rising in the dark night sky.

Yi-Han muttered bitterly.

"I should be doing my assignment, but I've wasted time unnecessarily."

Read it on


Jijel shivered at the subtle madness displayed by Wardanaz.

Worrying about assignments in such a situation.

Was this level of madness necessary to secure the top spot in the magic academy?

"Why are you staring at me? I'm fine."

Yi-Han, noticing Jijel's gaze, responded.

Of course, he had stayed up all night because of a magic assignment, but he had recovered somewhat after getting some sleep.

Students should be able to endure nights with their mental strength. Yi-Han was an expert in this area.

"Right... I see you're fine."

"Thanks for worrying."


"...Could you move the shield?"

As the shield circling around Yi-Han approached, Jijel spoke irritably.

"Ah. Sorry. I needed to check its duration."

Jijel shook her head in resignation.

So, even while wandering the mountains, facing attacks from giant lizards, and confronting giants, he was still concerned about his magic assignment.

'Crazy about magic...'



As they walked a bit further, they heard the shouts of the students from the White Tiger along with flickering torches in the distance.

They were still searching the area.



The students from the White Tiger rushed over. They were dusty and covered in weeds, indicating they had been searching non-stop.

During this time, Dolgyu sighed in relief and said,

"Thank goodness. We were so worried and searching for you."

"Thank you."

"What thanks? Do you know how much you two have done?"



Yi-Han and Jijel groaned simultaneously.

They had actually intended to use their friends as a diversion to escape...

"A noble should naturally do such a thing."

"A knight should naturally do such a thing."


The gathered students from the White Tiger exclaimed in admiration.

Even Moradi, let alone Wardanaz, clearly had the dignity of a leader in such moments.

Of course, Wardanaz was a great mage who could subdue others with various evil spells if things went wrong, but one had to acknowledge what deserved recognition.

As things somewhat settled, Jijel asked her friends,

"Wait. How many of you were out here doing this?"

A quick glance suggested not only their group but other friends had also joined.

"Ah. They wanted to help. Isn't that great?"


Study a bit...!

Jijel suppressed the rising words inside.

"...Yes. Thank you, everyone."

"There seems to be more over there."

Yi-Han pointed towards the torches approaching from afar.

It seemed like the entire White Tiger had joined the search.

A truly warm friendship.

"Everyone's so kind."

"Shut up..."

"I bet today's two black bread and this chocolate pudding."

"What... Really?"

"Why? Got scared?"

"Scared? How dare you! Fine. I bet the snack Wardanaz will give me tonight! That shield will end today!"

"Hmph. It'll last till tomorrow!"


Back at the tower, Yi-Han looked at his friends with disdain.

The students of the Blue Dragon were fiercely betting on 'how long the spinning shield would last.'

The day had certainly passed, and now the friends' concern was whether they would surpass two days.

"It's impossible... It can't be! I read in a book that it's absolutely impossible to last a day without specific work!"

Gainando shook the book, denying reality.

He had studied for once, but his knowledge had betrayed him.

"Study... Study is useless! What help can these dead letters be?!"

"Stop talking nonsense and sit down."


At Yi-Han's warning, Gainando sat down again.

"We should finish the <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> assignment today. There are many other final assignments to do. What we need to do now is, the assignment from Professor Millei..."

"What have I done wrong to be tormented like this?"

As Yi-Han listed the assignments, Gainando felt genuinely aggrieved and sorrowful.

Yi-Han ignored him and continued.

"What other assignments are there?"

"We have to compose a song for <Basic Music>..."

'Such a variety of assignments.'

Yi-Han had not taken <Basic Music>. It was not mandatory.

But <Basic Music> was quite popular in the Blue Dragon.

For the scions of great noble families, education in music, dance, arts, and literature held much greater value than expected.

Of course, for Yi-Han, it was less valuable compared to Professor Boladi's lectures...

"I've almost finished everything."

Asan, passing by, joined the conversation, surprising Gainando.

"Already? How?"

"Hehe. Why should I tell you?"

"Would you mind sharing it with me?"

"If Wardanaz asks..."


Gainando growled, but Asan ignored him as if he hadn't heard.

A friend who gave snacks every day and one who tried to steal them daily were treated differently.

"Einroguard. Einroguard. It's so wonderful."



Yi-Han and Gainando's expressions twisted.

"A place with warm meals and soft beds. Einroguard."


"Is it okay to spread fake rumors?"

"Soon the juniors will come and enjoy this paradise too. Einroguard."

Asan hummed the lyrics, then paused to explain.

"We can't insult Einroguard in front of the professor, can we?"

"That's true."

Yi-Han understood Asan's feelings.

Sometimes, grades were more important than the truth.

"Do I have to make such a ridiculous song?! I'll make my own!"

"What are you planning to make?"

"Once there was a noble prince..."

"Stop it."

"That doesn't seem right."

"Listen before you judge!"

"Are you all working on the <Basic Music> assignment?"

Nebren of the Kirak family joined the conversation after overhearing the trio.

Yi-Han thought to himself.

'Does everyone except me take <Basic Music>?'

"Right. Kirak, have you finished yours? You probably made a song praising the princess."

Nebren was one of the students in the Blue Dragon who admired the princess.

But Nebren shook his head.

"No, I haven't."

"Really? What did you compose?"

"Would you like to hear it?"

"No, let's study..."

Yi-Han tried to dissuade, but the other two nodded immediately.

"There was always an honorable mage who prepared meals..."



"It's touching, isn't it?"

Asan admired it.

Other students sitting by the fireplace nodded in agreement.

Gainando grumbled.

"Hmph. Do you think Wardanaz would like such blatant adulation?"

"Well said, Gainando. The song is not very good."

"No... What specifically makes it not good?"

Nebren was taken aback.

He had naturally assumed that Yi-Han would like it.

"If you say it's not good, I will compose a new one..."


Yi-Han could not bring himself to say that.

Starting the assignment over would be as bothersome as anything else.

"...On second thought, it's not that bad."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Now let's get back to studying."

"Wardanaz! Look over there! Over there!"

"Didn't you hear me say to study?"

Despite Yi-Han's words, Gainando pointed outside the window.

Yi-Han sighed and looked, then was shocked.


The grand and majestic main building of the magic academy, one of the largest on the grounds, was writhing as if it were a living creature.


"It's because it's the reconfiguration period."



Students screamed at the sudden appearance of a giant skeleton floating above the window.

Yi-Han, unfazed, asked,

"The reconfiguration period?"

"The main building is practically half alive."

According to the skull principal, the building, filled with magic over countless years, could no longer be considered a normal building.

Countless mages who had come and gone to Einroguard had added new spaces and cast new spells, so the main building periodically reconfigured itself, somewhat reorganizing the chaos and disorder.

"Uh... Wait. Does that mean the interior layout changes too?"

Yi-Han, listening absentmindedly, was suddenly alarmed.

Hadn't he just made a map?

"The changes aren't that significant. The skeleton remains, but some rooms that should be there might disappear."

"That's somewhat relieving."

"Be careful when you go for night walks. Some students have gone missing during the reconfiguration period."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Students are not allowed to go out at night. I've never broken the rules."



His friends and even the skull principal were slightly amazed by his brazenness.

"Right... I understand. Come out."


"You were supposed to learn illusion magic from Ogonin on weekends."


Yi-Han then remembered the skull principal's words.

Ogonin, a great mage whose skills had dulled a bit but who had been formidable in his prime, was a pure classicist among illusion mages.

Yi-Han was privileged to learn from such a person, and even the skull principal had considered it an honor...

"But I'm currently busy with pre-final assignments."

"That's fine."

"Ah. It won't take long?"

Yi-Han was pleased.

After all, the skull principal, being the head of the academy, wouldn't be unaware of the academic schedule.

"No. I don't know about that. I meant it's fine because you're the one doing the pre-final assignments. Come out."


Gainando, listening to the conversation, nodded.

'I should write a song about the evil lich.'

"You met Ikurusha?"

"...No. Is there some kind of bulletin board in Einroguard that I'm unaware of?"

Yi-Han was perplexed.

If there wasn't a bulletin board shared among professors or people staying on the grounds, such rapid spread of information made no sense.

Yi-Han imagined Professor Boladi sticking a paper on the faculty lounge bulletin board with Explanation of pre-final assignments requested written on it.

'Should I sneak into the lounge and destroy the bulletin board?'

"There is no such thing. But it is an interesting idea."


"And I already knew Ikurusha. I went to visit, and when he suddenly praised you, I asked him about it."

The magic academy grounds were not only inhabited by professors and students.

Thanks to the powerful flow of mana, many mysterious beings had been living there for a long time.

"Usually, that massive being does not praise other students, especially not in alchemy... Did you cheat using magic?"

"I don't understand what you mean. That was a fair bet."

"Of course. Hmm... But it's still remarkable that you defeated Ikurusha, even considering your resistance. Did you know about such a potion? Did Professor Uregor teach you?"

"I studied alchemy, so technically, you could say that."

"Forget it. But besides alchemy, it seems you're quite skilled at chess too."

"I was just lucky. Mr. Ikurusha was a bit clumsy..."


The skull principal looked at Yi-Han as if he were insane. Yi-Han did not notice his gaze.